Check Facebook for information about containers and other details related to picking berries this season.

We encourage you to browse our pages and learn more about our farm. Or better yet, put on your favorite berry-picking hat, pack up the kids and come visit us in person for some delicious local flavor and history.

*NOTE:  For the most up-to-the-minute info on hours open, early closing do to the hot weather or for information on what is ripe and available, check Facebook or call  the stand during hours of operation at the number above.

24100 SW Scholls Ferry Road

Hillsboro, Oregon 97123

DAYS:   7 days a week*

HOURS:  See Facebook*

PHONE:  503-628-0431

ROwell bros Berry Stand

Visit our Facebook page for complete details and up-to-the-minute information.

Farm fresh berries from a scenic Hillsboro Oregon homestead since 1853